Peter Pham is a Phan of Phish.

Peter Pham is a Phan of Phish.
peter pham is a phan of phish

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Blog Post! Course Reflection

Going into my last semester at SJSU I wanted to take a class that I was passionate about. I've always been a fan of video games and being able to create my own has been a small dream of mine. This class was the best class for me take, as it was a really relaxing atmosphere and really let me "play" with the class. As much as I learned to develop and program games, I never delved into game design. This class helped me improve my designer skills and really honed my ability to make a fun game.

For the final presentations I was really pleased with everyone's enthusiasm and passion for video games. I thought many just took the class to get an easy grade but it turned out everyone really enjoyed the subject material and had a passion for video games. Seeing everyone's hard work on their game pay off was also really cool as well. I was also pleased with the reception my team got when we introduced our game. Of all the projects that I worked on at SJSU, this was by far my favorite and most accomplished work.

In the end, I definitely read, wrote, play and design games. This class was a real blast and I hope more students have the opportunity to take this class and discover the important of play and making your own games.

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