Peter Pham is a Phan of Phish.

Peter Pham is a Phan of Phish.
peter pham is a phan of phish

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Out with the News and in with the Blogs.

Here ye here ye, the time of traditional news media is over and the time of blogs is now upon us. No longer will we be fed the same old drivel of monotony and "journalism" present in these draconian news papers. Today we shall feast upon the majesty of what we bestow the name of blogs and the art of free speech and open thinking!

Anyway, blogs have taken an increasingly important role in the way we consume our media. Almost every website that generates daily content utilizes blogs. These blogs cover topics ranging from news, sports, games, politics to any sort of topic that has an opinion one way or another. However, blogs have also been increasingly used to display an author's expertise in a field, such as art portfolios or technical blogs. Blogs have now evolved into something much greater than the occasional drivel of a person's adolescent meltdown.

So what makes blogs so damn useful in conveying information that something like a traditional news paper or television broadcast can't provide? For one thing, it is universally available to anyone with a decent internet connection. Put the link in your browser and you're there. No more having to pay the paper boy a quarter for some news or waiting until the Big Bang Theory is finished to catch the latest news. You can now just head to the all-purpose internet and get any information instantly!

Another is that it is easy to find the information that you want. News broadcast are notorious for not giving you the news you want immediately. They may entice you with a shocking headline, but then broadcasters force the viewers to watch a commercial or other boring news before you finally can get the piece of information you want.

With a written blog on the internet, you can immediately scan the text looking for the most important bits of information available. Also, with the advent of twitter and social media, blogs are easily passed around through "word of tweets" (haha see what I did there no you didnt because it was a bad joke) and thus viewers are immediately alerted when an important piece of news hit. No more having to sit around the couch or waiting for tomorrow's newspaper to catch the news, blogs will give you what you want when you want it!

So yea...blogs are pretty darn integral to the way out society operates. Hell, without them you wouldn't have seen this off-the-rails rant about blogs! Oh lucky you.


News vs. blog. (n.d.). Chalkbeat Colorado News vs blog Comments. Retrieved April 19, 2014, from

Root-Wiley, M. (2011, December 6). Labels Matter: "Blog" vs. "News" | Blog | MRW Web Design. MRW Web Design. Retrieved April 19, 2014, from


  1. Yup! Blogs usually go straight to the point. Some time it is easier to find the tutorial you want on blogs than some websites. Just type "how to+(something you don't know)" on Google, and you will usually find what you need on a blog! Anyway, nice blog, but I don't think you should use the word "damn" inside your post...

  2. Right on, blogs have been exponentially increasing for quite some time now. The best thing I like about blogs is that I get to read varied perspectives on topics. And also you can not trust news channels for the truth now a days IMHO.
